We are a new parish established on July 1, 2021, that incorporated the former parishes of St. Andrew Parish in Colchester, CT and
St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Lebanon, CT.
Knights of Columbus
Francis Cardinal Spellman Council #6107, Colchester, CT
Serving the Parish Communities of St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church and St. Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church Since 1966.
Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect and defend.
Purchase red or white 6.5 “ poinsettia for your home and/or donate to the parish in memory of a loved one for Christmas!
These lectures are written by Jeff Fiducia, Lecturer for Francis Cardinal Spellman Council 6107, Knights
of Columbus, in Colchester, CT USA.
Note From Jeff:
As the lecturer, I have the task of offering some words to my Council at our monthly meetings; a task which I take seriously. I limit myself to a single page, which reads out in about two to three minutes. Granted, sometimes I shrink the font to fit on one page if
there’s a lot to say. Teach, Entertain, Challenge, Inspire.
Catholic Essay Contest for Students in Grades 8 through 12
Win $250.00, $150.00 or $100.00